Hybrid Work: What to Consider When Bringing Your Company Back to the Office

We’ve heard from many of our NYC clients that they’re having leadership meetings to discuss real estate strategy in the coming weeks. The guest of honor at almost all of them? Hybrid work.

Here are 6 articles that address both the pros and cons of a hybrid work model and discuss its impact on talent, productivity and company culture, so you can stay informed and make the best possible decision for your company.

  1. It’s Time for Leaders to Get Real About Hybrid Work” – McKinsey Report

    “Employers are ready to get back to significant in-person presence. Employees aren’t. The disconnect is deeper than most employers believe, and a spike in attrition and disengagement may be imminent.”

  2. “Remote Work is Failing Young Employees” – New York Times

    “Small talk, passing conversations, even just observing your manager’s pathways through the office may seem trivial, but in the aggregate they’re far more valuable than any form of company handbook. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be translated into a remote or flexible work environment.”

  3. “Most Companies Keeping NYC Offices While Adopting a Hybrid Schedule: Survey” – Commercial Observer

    “A good chunk of companies, 43 percent, said they were unsure of how many days employees would spend in the office, and 29 percent said they would spend between one and three days there. Only seven percent planned on going fully remote.”

  4. “How 15+ Tech Companies are Transitioning Back to the Office (Or Not)” – Fast Company

    “Larger companies—especially ones that make hardware—seem more interested in getting their people back to the office, at least most of the time. Apple, for example, argues that face-to-face collaboration among engineers and designers is crucial to developing winning devices. Still, those companies have faced resistance from their employees.”

  5. “Zillow is Adopting a Hybrid Work Model, But CEO Is Trying to Prevent a “Two Class System” Amongst Employees” – Business Insider

    “Over time, employees at companies who choose the hybrid model will feel a shift from ‘remote-first’ to ‘remote-allowed,’ he said, which creates a world where ‘remote employees are not penalized for working outside the office, but are also not proactively integrated into the fabric of the company.'”

  6. “Why is Everyone Going Back to the Office?” – Protocol

    “Employers are working in overdrive to prove that coming into the office is worth it for employees. They’re making offices fancier and more experience-focused to appeal to their workforce. The office of 2023 will be more like a ’boutique hotel or clubhouse with technology activation throughout.'”

Contact us: 

If you’d like to discuss what we’re seeing in more depth on the topic of hybrid work amongst our clients or have any questions on your specific scenario, we’re here to help. Please reach out to our founder, Bert Rosenblatt at brosenblatt@vicuspartners.com, or at (917) 862-8820 to see  if we can answer any questions or get started finding you the right space solution.


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