Advertising & Media

As an advertising and media company in New York City, “your space is your face” — for attracting and retaining talent in a competitive market and creating the best employee experience so your team can best serve your clients. With 20 years of experience representing advertising and media companies in commercial leases, we’re here to help you navigate the office leasing process so you can focus on what matters most — growing your business and your team.

Words from Our Clients

  • “I have always said, privately and in formal settings, Vicus is the best real estate broker I have dealt with— and I have dealt with several brokers. Vicus is about customer service and satisfaction, and it is easy to see that in everything it does for its clients. To me, they operate an ‘always-on’ model of service delivery.”

    -Christopher Burns, VP Business Finance & Administration, Plus Company [formerly known as Vision7]

  • “In this value-chaos [caused by the pandemic] we needed help defining what was good, and what was not a good deal and where we could best establish ourselves in the long term. We felt we had the right access to the right office spaces and we made good offers on good options with smart thinking behind them. The support we received as to how to use our leverage and get the best results were wonderful. We are very satisfied with the result.”

    -Gerland van Ackere, BU Managing Director USA, Sopexa

  • “We were able to secure (and have happily moved into) the right space for our brand, our strategy, and our employees. Like the Newsweek brand, One World Trade Center is iconic and a symbol of unwavering determination. Our new headquarters in the building is light-filled, open, and spacious, giving us the foundation to create an inclusive space that drives inspiration and collaboration.”

    -Dev Pragad, CEO, Newsweek